Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thank God I'm Here

my poor dad had to fix our stupid vacuum...

Oh my god....I am so brave

Can you see my paw....holding on for comfort.

My name is MJ and I dont m ind admitting my dad is a big chicken.
Today Mom made him fix the vacuum. I dont know about any of you, but vacuums are the most annoying beasts I know...they do no good....they take all the crunchy bits that are left on the floor...they clean up all my hard work of tearing things up...and..the noise....the noise is what makes me realize how scared dad must have been so I crawled up beside him and cuddled him until he calmed down a bit. It was tough...and I am a bit embarassed that he is such a big chicken....but I love I was there for him...
I lucked out earlier today...i got to go to saxe point twice. There were lots of little dogs there. One of them always thinks he is the king of the picnic table....MY picnic table. I usually let him stay up there then after he leaves I got up just to prove who the QUEEN of the table is. MJ ROULEAU....QUEEN OF THE PICNIC TABLE......OUT


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey M-J,

Glad that you helped protect your daddy and helped him through such a traumatic experience with the vacuum cleaner - you are very brave :-)


e said...

Hey MJ
Eve hates vacuum cleaners too and curses everytime she needs to vacuum the home. She's got a swiffer mop thingy and uses that now and then vacuums when shes in a better mood. I don't really like the vacuum cleaner either and run to my kennel everytime it's being used. You rock!
Fei & E

wally said...

yo mj!

those naked apes always need our help. you wouldn't believe how scared mine get during thunderstorms. i have to pace, go outside repeatedly, cry, and get in their laps just to calm them down! sheesh.

you may be queen of the pic-i-nic table but i'm the king! at my park i get on the pic-i-nic table and eat my bully sticks far above the eyes of wandering dogs, geese, ducks, and kids. makes me feel tall. i might share my table with you. no way on the bully stick, though.


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey M-J,

Don't know whether you saw this before or not, but I am gonna repost, just in case you missed it -

As a special friend of Charlie and Opy - and DogsWithBlogs - you are invited to appear in the 2007 DogsWithBlogs calender. Please go here - for further details. Hoping you will participate, please let us know one way or the other.


L said...

I hate the vacuum! I'm not sure which is worse - the noise or the light. When the girl uses it, BLU runs outside to hide, and I run around barking at it and trying to bite it. The girl thinks that is funny, but it isn't! I keep trying to break the vacuum by shedding, but the girl just turns it over (like your dad is doing), pulls out all the clogged hair, and turns it back on again. Maybe I'll chew the long tail off of it one day when the girl isn't home!