Since I have been so busy lately, and ignoring my blog, I decided I better just get to work. I have a little bit of everything here. I am not sure you know or not but mommy and daddy and I drove all the way to my grammas house. I had to sit in the car for five days...See this bear up here, I think it is my momma. She reminds me of me....

On our trip we saw this truck and camper. It caught on fire and we had to wait a really long time until it burned up. They couldnt get fire trucks that high in the mountains. Nobody was hurt though, I am sure they were sad though.

Why do moms think they are so funny. So hysterical....put grass on the dog....NOT


Maybe if I just ignore her she will go away...go go go go away...

I am loving the lakes up here...you can swim and you can drink the water at teh same time...sometimes I drink waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much water.....

Here is daddyo...trying to catch a fish...he cannot ...he says it is because there are no fish in the lake...I think t is cuz he is a lousy fisherman

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah what a beautiful day for a swim....Mom made me keep on my leash so I didnt swim away on her...

I just noticed here that I can see the clouds in the lake..wierd....

now this is exciting....mama put a tomato upside down on this stupid thing she saw on tv....so far its alot bigger but no tomatoes...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah my new watering hole....i wont swim in it....i did step in it and step out...but...the water is super delish....

Keepin an eye on things...someone has to...lotsa hooligans in the niegbourhood...the other day there was a real live porkypine wandering around. I was told I had to stay in doors...moms wreck everything...

This here is my bff Brooklyn...she was on holidays for a whole 10 days but not she is home..I missed her sooooooooooooooooo much

Oh I do love her soooooooooooooooooooo much...so so so much...

Okay...look how muchI love this sheep...my gramma has one on her floor in her living room...it is the only place i was allowed to sleep when i was there...so I just layed on the sheep and enjoyed myself....anyhow...that was my life the last month or so...and soon..one of my kitties and my brudder is moving here.....for a bit...so I will sure have lots to say....I would like to give everyone a big slobbery kisssss.....