So today started out nice and quiet adn then it happened...My sister showed up with two baskets of laundry. I dont mind her coming to do laundry...but she insists on making alot of noise...she uses the noisy noisy carpet machine.....it sucks up all my treasures i leave around...just in case.....the she washes floor s and cleans counters....my gosh....what would momma do without her...i know what i would do....and I know what my brother Rick would do...we would SLEEP>...do you see that sarah....SLEEP....ANYhow we love her alot...Tonight mom took me to the beach and i met my new best friend for the day...her name is Quince...and she lives in her van with her mom...I thought at first ti was sad but they like it ...and they are picking up their motor home next week. Wouldnt that be fun to live in a motor home and travel whenever you feel like it.....I would love it. Mommy brought me home and gave me a special treat. And that was it until we went to pick up my brother from work. After i got out of the car I saw my friend Bear and I ran like crazy...Rick was mad cuz he had to chase me....not for long though cuz Bear made me come home...(she knows who gives her the good cookies.)..anyhow Mom says it is bed time....and to say goodnight gracie...whatever that means....huggggs and howlssssssss too all my peeps out there.....