Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I SAID TURN IT OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
NO photos today folks...just questions. Why does it always have to happen to me....why is it that when things are finally getting has to go and screw everything up....dangit all....I wAKE UP this morning and suddenly i am bombarded by puppy breath....stinky stupid puppy breath. I know you would all like photos....but they have to wait until mom finds the camera and such.....what i will tell you is mom singly handedly rescued an adorable boxer puppy. He is about 6 months old...his name is Dante....and man is he full of energy. He pooped already 15 times today....We dont knwo what to do. He seems happy enough, but he needed to get out of where he was. In a month or so mom will be looking for a forever home for Dante. She just wants to make sure he is healthy. He is still intact....and we are pretty sure he is pure bred but no papers.....For sure Dante is going to be a pain in my butt, but...the little gaffer needs some lovin...Mom is taking me to work tomorrow to get a break from him. I think that just may make me love him. Anyhow anyone know anyone who is wishing for a boxer puppy...let us know...bye for will be available in a couple days.....MJ out
Friday, December 25, 2009
The trouble started yesterday when Mother had the NERVE to go to work without me. I have made myself an escape route that the old beast cannot figure out. So....she gets home from work hours later....and guess what....I showed her. I was MIA......I sure showed her. Anyhow the bad news is that the feds caught up with me...yep..I was arrested like a common criminal...They tried to torture me by putting me in a cell with a bunch of other criminals.....When my mom found out where I was she went to see Dog Chapman....the bail some money...and made bail....WHEW,,,I was locked up forevvvvvvvvvvvvvvver...I think an hour or so....Let me tell you kids...doing time sucks....I do not reccommend this for anyone...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sumpins Up...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Its been awhile...sorry
Also I would lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve to thank my big man Mango....i got a christmas card from him. It made me so happpy. We couldnt afford the Christmas Card exchange this year....So it was nice to get one.
Anyhow tomorrow I will tell you more about work....and let you in on a little secret of this crazy house right now.....
Bye for now....MJ out....
Thursday, December 10, 2009
So you arent going to get a picture with this blog.....mommy is not thinking very good at all. I am going to let you read about my adventure and later today I will blog stuff about today. Bye for now....
This is actually a picture from last Christmas....apparently we don't take many pictures of me as much....unless it is with the cell phone...then it goes on some stupid place called facebook...but anyhow...i need to tell you all that i missed you. My dad was away for awhile with my mom's camera,, and mom is working like a crazy person....and today all heck broke came home from work and someone was missing. heheheheh.....I was just so mad that she wouldnt take me to as soon as she left...I decided it was time to escape. I cant tell you how I escaped, that would cause a little bit of a problem if I ever want to escape again. Anyhow I escaped. I just needed to get out and see what was going on in the world. MOm came home from work to get me, she says we were going to go to the beach, and anyhow when she found that I had escaped she freaked out. She looked everywhere....and guess where she found would never ever guess...not in one day....i was across the street....a very busy street....(admirals road if you live her) and I was at the doggy spa.....they told mom they found me wandering around outside....NOT>..i was going there on purpose....I even had a manicure while I was there. (mom said that is what i get for scaring her half to death....whateverrrrrrrrr..) Anyhow I am home safe and sound...and hopefully I will be on more often...I need to go back to sleep. I am very very very tired...and time I escape I am coming to see you. Time to go now. I need to sleep . MJ OUT
This is actually a picture from last Christmas....apparently we don't take many pictures of me as much....unless it is with the cell phone...then it goes on some stupid place called facebook...but anyhow...i need to tell you all that i missed you. My dad was away for awhile with my mom's camera,, and mom is working like a crazy person....and today all heck broke came home from work and someone was missing. heheheheh.....I was just so mad that she wouldnt take me to as soon as she left...I decided it was time to escape. I cant tell you how I escaped, that would cause a little bit of a problem if I ever want to escape again. Anyhow I escaped. I just needed to get out and see what was going on in the world. MOm came home from work to get me, she says we were going to go to the beach, and anyhow when she found that I had escaped she freaked out. She looked everywhere....and guess where she found would never ever guess...not in one day....i was across the street....a very busy street....(admirals road if you live her) and I was at the doggy spa.....they told mom they found me wandering around outside....NOT>..i was going there on purpose....I even had a manicure while I was there. (mom said that is what i get for scaring her half to death....whateverrrrrrrrr..) Anyhow I am home safe and sound...and hopefully I will be on more often...I need to go back to sleep. I am very very very tired...and time I escape I am coming to see you. Time to go now. I need to sleep . MJ OUT
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Trees and WTF
So today is kinda yucky and rainy outside....which is good cuz mom was going to clean the house and she hates doing it....and she especially hates doing it when it is beautiful outside....So anyhow we went to the park. As you can see here they have flagged off this area so nobody but me will come here. It is nice to have a special area. Mom kept squaking about not being able to go in here...what does she know....
Mother considers herself quite the photographer. You will notice the shot of me near this tree......oh whoops...maybe you wont...great photography old girl.....(sometimes we just have to humor any of you pups have this problem)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Yay moms off for three days......
Welll today is an especially fabulous day....Mom got little later than I would have liked...but as soon as she got up she threw on some clothes and said....MJ lets go for a drive...So we got in the car and away we went......
We went to see my cousin MAGGIE.....I havent seen her very often...and when i do go see her we really don't hang much...we kinda give each other a quick sniff then go our seperate ways. We just feel the need to see each other every couple of months....isnt she cute...she is actually a little grumpy here cuz she has something hiddin and doesnt want me to get it.

This is my besty auntie. She just loves me to death...I am pretty sure that if she could trade me for Maggie she would. (right auntie)...Mom would never let her though..must be very sad for her. Uncle Les was here as well but he spends alot of time working on the house. He is a very busy little man. I lovessssssssssssssss him...
This is my friend at the lagoon...not sure about too much...he was there ...i was there...we smelled each other....i know...i dont like to give out too much info about our conversation...soem things are best left unsaid....
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah man...a good ole pile of seagull poop...need i say more....

Here I am just readin on the news before we leave....I am so excited mom has two more days off....we need our special time....I have actually had to resort to using the cats to get treats....Mom isnt impressed....two days in a row she came home and there were duck jerky treats all over the floor....oh oh....those darn cats...heheheheh...well...time for me to go now...time to cuddle with mama....have a good week everyone......Mj out....
This is my besty auntie. She just loves me to death...I am pretty sure that if she could trade me for Maggie she would. (right auntie)...Mom would never let her though..must be very sad for her. Uncle Les was here as well but he spends alot of time working on the house. He is a very busy little man. I lovessssssssssssssss him...
Here I am just readin on the news before we leave....I am so excited mom has two more days off....we need our special time....I have actually had to resort to using the cats to get treats....Mom isnt impressed....two days in a row she came home and there were duck jerky treats all over the floor....oh oh....those darn cats...heheheheh...well...time for me to go now...time to cuddle with mama....have a good week everyone......Mj out....
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
stupid stupid stupid
I dont have a new post today, because my stupid mom has a stupid job so i have to stay in the stupid house and watch the stupid cats and the stupid sucks...why couldnt mom be rich instead of is stupid...having said that....please go and check out my friends Sam and Pippens new blog
And if you are really will see some amazing photos....
mj out
And if you are really will see some amazing photos....
mj out
Friday, August 28, 2009
First of all...I figure all that our doggy prayers worked really really buddy KOKO is better....well mostly was her birthday yesterday and they let her out of the now she lives with a friend and her mom and is doing some kind of stuff with doctors to make her allll better so she can move back here and take me for walks and naps....especially naps. My mom said that she is so cool that they are writing a book about her i have a tummy ache nobody writes a big book a bout me....I will need to discuss that with the mother....
NOw we have a bit of a problem....My dad has abandoned ship to speak...well he abandoned me and got on his ship....he is gone to south america somewhere...i guess mom thinks he has gone to get some chili...seems like a long time to get some chili.
look at me killing that coat hanger up have probably seen these pics before but the thing is stole moms camera....i am verrrrrrrrrrry happy about so pleased...I cant believe I may go months without being followed by the pupparazzi

The rest of these are just some pictures that mom thought you may like. she will try and do a better job soon...but she just started working at starbucks and she is freakin bagged....her brain hurts.....whatever....drama queen. Anyhow I also want you all to know that Hemi is fine now...and those of you that donated I am sure she is very greatful...what a good bunch of doggies we have see you later....hugs and kisses to my man Mango..and Wally..oh and joey and tanner and ....well you get the point...MJ OUT
Friday, August 07, 2009

Facebook (
August 6, 2009 11:44:55 PM
Pamela F Rouleau (
Kristen Bergum sent a message to the members of HugABull. --------------------Subject: Help HugABull Help Hemi! Being a responsible dog owner requires a lot of things: patience, kindness, commitment...and sometimes money. Many of us know first-hand that when your dog gets very sick, very fast, this translates to massive vet bills. But what do you do when the vet bill comes and you're already struggling financially? This is what Chad, a single dad from Maple Ridge, recently had to ask himself. Earlier this year, Chad adopted Hemi as a companion to his two girls. The four of them bonded immediately and soon, no one could imagine life without her – especially Chad’s daughter, who lives with a bone growth deficiency that inhibits her development. Hemi is her best friend, playmate and personal therapy dog! Two months ago, Chad lost his job. It wasn't an easy time but Chad has been making it work…until disaster struck two weeks ago when Hemi became very sick. Worried and not wanting to waste any time, Chad rushed his pet to the nearest Animal Hospital, where Hemi had emergency surgery for an intestinal blockage. Chad didn’t hesitate to okay the surgery and save his dog, but when the dust settled he was faced with a bill for almost $2000. On an already limited income this was a shock, especially when the Animal Hospital refused to extend a payment plan to him. And they wouldn't release Hemi until the bill was paid…so every day that Hemi remained at the hospital, they charged an extra $55 for boarding fees! Overwhelmed but determined, Chad kicked into overdrive. He drained his savings, and gathered his friends to organize fundraisers – pub nights, BBQ Hot dog & Burger sales at his house and email campaigns. When he came to HugABull we knew we needed to help. So many dogs are surrendered because their owners are unable or unwilling to provide basic vet care for their pets, and Chad has truly inspired us with his love and commitment to Hemi. HugABull has been working with Chad and the vet’s office, and has committed to help him fundraise. With our support the vet’s office has agreed to release Hemi and a payment plan has been set up. We ask our forum members to consider donating in support of Chad, someone who doesn’t like having to ask for money, but will do anything for his beloved pet. HugABull will be collecting donations through our Paypal account – just enter your donation and include “Hemi” on the donation form. Any and all funds will go straight to Hemi’s medical bills. There is $453.00 currently owing, and Chad hopes to raise some of that at a car wash fundraiser this weekend. Any extra funds raised will go towards Hemi’s spay, and then to HugABull. Help us help Hemi! Every $5 or $10 donation makes a difference...and helps Hemi recover at home with her family, where she belongs. PAY PAL BUTTON (scroll to the bottom); To reply to this message, follow the link below: ___Find people from your Windows Live address book on Facebook! Go to: This message was intended for Want to control which emails you receive from Facebook? Go to:'s offices are located at 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304
Hey Blog Buddies...
My mom got this message from Hug a Bull which is where all our Bullies Fosters come from....anyhow my mom actually knows someone who knows this little doggy, and her daddy really needs some I figured it cant hurt to post this ....anyhow if anyone knows anyone who would like to help a bully daddy is your chance.....and if you cant dont worry about is the thought that counts.....and those that can help...well I AM SURE that Hemi will be forever thankful.....
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