So yesterday......was valentines Day....and I sat and waited......and sat and waited..........

Did you hear it ring anyone....I thought I heard something...mango...was that you.....>>>>????

nope...nada...what a sad few days....poor MJ....and besides that...I am super super sad that Wally left me....HOHOHUM..................
oh mj we call all be your vawentines ok? we send you extra juicy pibble kishess and hope you feel better soon
smooches and wiggles
the houston pittie pack
I am so sorry your Valentine's Day was not how your expected!
I hope today was a better day for you!
Kisses and hugs
Oh MJ! You can always have a date with the Irish Ladies' Man! Me thinks you are so beautiful! Why don't we go and have a pint sometime? Thanks for visiting my blog. I think I'm gonna follow yours and keep me eye on ya!
Irish Love,
Wow you are so adorable. I am sorry that your Valentines was not perfect. :(
mjshouseofslobber.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.
We miss our valentine, too, MJ. Steal a sandwich from your peoples. Wally would approve.
The Sheps with Pep.
Well, that's funny... we called around 2:30 but you were at the park checking out Cole and Robbie! At least that's what we heard through the dog gossip line...
Sam and Pip
Honestly, MJ...that Mango...not even showin' up with a bunch of roses...
I'm suggesting you try Peewee...he's much more of a gentleman...or Stanley here...he's very sweet...and thoughtful....
All three of us will be your Valentines dear girl!!
Khisses, Lacie
dang that stinks!! I had LacieBeast stalking me, I was hiding!!
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?
Glad to materialize here. Good day or night everybody!
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Hey MJ, I hope you're not still sad. After all, there's an Otis on the block!
Hi there MJ! Sorry about the Valentine's Day wipeout, but there's another one next year!! I'm back blogging, so come visit. Love from Colin Harries xx
Good day!
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We'll send kisses now!!
Cookie and crew
Hey! Get over the no valentine's thing already! We want to know where you are and what you are doing! Start typing, girl. I don't think you want us to come over and ruff you up, or do you???
Sam and Pippen
Hey MJ,
How are you doing BC gurrrrrl??? We came back to blogging not long ago and came to check up on you!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
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