Thursday, March 15, 2007

Gramma's House

See why I love my gramma....she doesn't make me do tricks for treats....she just gets in the fridge and cuts them up and gives them to me....I wish my mom would see how much more effective that is....oh I sure do love my gramma.

Okay there is this little tiny problem of not being allowed on the couch. We could work on that...i gave her soooooooooo many kisses and she still wouldn't let me on the couch. At least she has nice warm carpets...and they are pink so they match my necklace.

I am hiding here. I bet you can't see me. mom took lots of pictures...but she said they all look like crap. She thinks she may even read her book. Anyhow this is all Of my gramma pictures. Thankyou for the treats gramma. And all you doggies out there...dont forget about the Doof....he is going under the knife tomorrow....we all know he will be okay though..Joey you make sure you keep us posted okay....MJ OUT


Melissa said...

OH OH we love it when we get free treats too! OH that is so much fun, our Mom and Papa barely ever do that they always make us do something for it, but what fun is that? We got to have chewies today after we got our bug stuff on we hate getting that stuff but Mom says we have to and plus we get a chewy after so that makes it ok...
China & Madie

Anonymous said...

Free treats ! Wow you are lucky .

Tadpole said...

Grandmas are the BEST!! And you're really good at hiding - where ARE you?!

Tadpole said...
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