Monday, January 31, 2011

MJs Sad

so...what you are telling me I am going to be home alone....for up to ten days...just with Dad...

I REALLy dont feel the need to finish this conversation...really...just go away...leave me to my own ....I will be just fine...Who needs food and water....I can do it...sure....dont worry about me...

I am just not surE i CAN DO IT....I cannot believe she is leaving me ....i sure hope gramma gets better quick.....MJ is sad.....MJ OUT......


Dexter said...

Oh MJ! That is terrible, just terrible. However, you might be able to convince dad to give you pizza, so not a total loss, right? Plus he can carry you if you get tired on walkies.

You know what? We have like totally Canada amounts of snow this year. Master and Momma talked about moving to Canada a few years ago but said, "oh no, too much snow." Well, I guess Canada has come to us.


Pippen said...


We'll look afters your mom for you so you make sure you look afters your dad... that way she'll be back in no time!

Sam and Pippen

lildogomine said...

I hope you survive a whole 10 days, a long 10 days with just can't imagine, mom is the one who has the treats. Good Luck I'm sending slobbery thoughts your way. Oh almost forgot here is the sight I told you about

Lorenza said...

I can see you are very sad but sure I hope your Gramma gets better soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

MJ, we also hope your grandma gets better soon. We're sure you're really just worried about your grandma; even though you'll miss your mom, you know your dad will take good care of you. We're sending our best vibes & crossed paws for your grandma.

Jed & Abby

Dog Training Tips said...

Hi MJ, Don't be sad they will be back soon. they just need to do some important matter. I know you are patience and very good Dog... Just always remember they always love you..;)
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