Monday, January 05, 2009

MJs New Years Resolutions.....maybe

hey everyone....this is an old picture of me....but I like it...and I am all smiling and happy and I decided since this is the first post of 2009 we should use a smiling MJ. So I hope everyone had a better New Years than our family....everyone here got the is still sick.....and my brother is is almost over it....They call it influenza....i prefer the crud...anyhow I have decided that we should all try to think of 10 things for our new years here we go...
1....I promise not to eat anything out of the garbage.....(unless of course mom forgets to tie it or close it)
2. I will not wake mom up before ten am.......I will wake dad up instead
3. I will try and let mom take pictures of me
4. I promise to stay as awesome as I am
5, will make sure we blog at least twice a week..( i have to keep the secretary motivated....i guess i will have to go get her some sharable treats)
6. I will pay more attention to the dog whisperer...
7. I promise to stay hopelessly in love with my relentless dude Mango
8. I cross my heart I will not steal any more butter....
9. I will not pretend I am going to eat small white fluffy dogs.....
10. I will make mom get off her rear and take me for more walk....therefore gettin us both in better shape...
and that is it my friends...not very exciting....but oh well...I want you all to have a good time in 2009....


Petra said...

Hi MJ! You look like you're flying in the wind, as carefree as can be in that picture! You're resolutions are pretty good...but are you REALLY going to try to pay more attention to the dog whisperer?

Kelli said...

Hi MJ!
That's a wonderful picture of you! You have some great resolutions! I hope you can keep them! I hope your peoples feel better soon! My owner girl has been turning into a dog since the new year, but I haven't seen any new symptoms yet so maybe she is getting better!

Joe Stains said...

Those are good resolutions! I sure hope everyone gets over the crud and starts feeling better soon!

Dexter said...

Look at you all smiling and everything. Those are great resolutions. Be careful about waking dad up, though, you might get the flying boot!


Lorenza said...

those are very good resolutions! I am sure you will accomplish them!
I love to see you all happy in that picture!
Kisses and hugs

Life With Dogs said...

That first promise is a good one - can you teach it to Truffles?

Colin Harries said...

Hello MJ: Thank you so much for your nice welcome to me. I have a lot to learn about blogging yet and sometimes have to do things two or three times, but I'm trying. You look like you're as badly off as I am...the things we have to put up with to make our families luv us! Haha! Did Noah's mum and dad come to your house to visit you one time? I got a bit mixed up cos I only came to live with my new family a little while ago and hear "old family stories" when the Leuradales and I are forced to sit and listen rather than run around...anyway, thanks for talking to me...take care..Colin Harries

Amber said...

Hi MJ! I hope you will past all of your resolution. 2009 will be great i hope :) hehe, great pic!

Amber licks!

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

Great resolutions!!
