Tuesday, October 28, 2008

HE IS THE MAN.......

FIRST....of all...SCORE.....DAD is back so look what I got to do...I got to finish off mom's milk shake. I would not have had any milk shake if dad was still away, cuz mom only got them because dad wanted a banananananana split. Anyhow DAD...thanks for that big guy....and next..remember yesterday how I said I saw something really cool. I mean I always knew my dad was the biggest strongest man in the whole wide world...but I never mentioned how he is a trainer of wild beasts. Well he is....and we have pictures to prove it....

Here are pictures of my dad with the wild Tiger that he tranied by his self. The tiger looks pretty mad in that first picture, but much calmer in the second one. I have a whole new respect for my dad....from now on when he says no....he means no....or maybe....but probably no...but muh...I am a dog so I shouldnt have to worry really.....

MJ over and OUT



Woof MJ

Holy Puppy Poop!!! Now that's a cat pinata!!! And look at those choppers. It's gonna take all of us to catch that kitty.
Glad your Dad is back and you've got to enjoy the milkshake.

Desert Pups

Dexter said...

Holy crap! Is your dad some sort of zen master? That tiger is totally huge!

Nice score on the milkshake. Glad to see you are being treated like a princess.


Petra said...

OMdog! Your dad wouldn't even have to say "no" to me, he could just give me "the look" and he would have my full attention!

Did you see that tiger's teeth? Yiiiiiiiiikes!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

OMD!!! Now that is one gigantic cat!!! Huge!! Bigger than Mango Man!! Uh, MJ, you better listen to your Daddy!!

Ferndoggle said...

Um...I think my Dad would've had an accident in his pants being so close to that tiger!!


Joe Stains said...

omdog, ICE CREAMS and TIGERS. your Dad is almost as cool as ME! WOW!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, MJ!
I don't know if your Dad is a good trainer but sure he is brave!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

Dont worry, you aren't forgotten, just not delivered to yet. mom and the doofus have a very poor grasp of geography...or planning... so she is trying to make the posts make sense, but she is a doofus too :)

A&S said...

Hi MJ! We're jealous you got to drink a milk shakes but happy for you too. oh my that is a big cat with your dad. i'm sure the same rules dont apply to dogs, tho, right?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Wohhh Your dad sure is a brave guy..

~ Girl girl


Woof MJ,

Hey, we posted a photo of big cats too(we stole the idea from you). Hope your doing well and enjoying time with your Dad. Is he gonna be home for awhile?

Desert Pups

Amber said...

Hey there MJ, whoa!! the cat is Huge and look at it's fangs! your dad is really brave :)
