okay all you dogs out there...and girl girl..you are probably wondering why I am reposting this picture of me in all my loveliness...well the story is this...I have alot of new bloggers checking out my blog...and ..ahem....ummm...they thinik I am a boy. Sometimes I may talk like a boy...but that is just the way I am...Ladies and Gentlemen...MJ is ALL WOMAN..so here is a photo of proof.
And check this monkey out. (the stuffed animal..I am a dog....not funny mom)..anyhow when Tater left...my mom tried to cheer me up so she bought me a stuffed monkey. It has almost been a week and he looks pretty good...except he is missing his arms....he can't slap me around while i chew on him now...hahahaha...anyhow that is it for today...this is my 197 post...man..I cant believe the big 200 party.....MJ OUT
Hi, MJ
Sure you are a girl, a big girl. A lovely girl!
Poor monkey! You made me laugh... no arms to slap you!
Have a good night
yah... sure u r a beautiful lady....
How could they mistake you for a boy,
You are such a cutie!!!!!!!
Frenchie SNorts
How weird they thought you were a boy...you are totally all girl!!! And so glad you still have your monkey!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
oh yea...i'm alwiz been mistaken as a boy too... i know how u feel
بمحايل صعب و القضاء عليها بأسلوب سليمة فلا عليك إلا التواصل بمؤسسة زهرة المملكة لمكافحة الحشرات بمحايل صعب التى تعتبر من المؤسسات الكبرى المختصة و الرائدة فى ميدان مكافحة الحشرات و القوارض .
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