Friday, December 17, 2010

I thought I liked the white stuff

Well my friends....i looks pretty doesnt it....very very pretty...but...don't let a little white crystal fool you....

I have to try and not fight with mama when it is time to put my boots on...I just don't like them..I don't like them at all...stupid boots.....

Note the appropriately places little crystal tree....Wow...that is what I call some good placement.....wouldn't want you youngens seeing my bits......

OH OH...who took this picture...aaaaaaaaaahahahahahah...dads hands were so cold that I told him to lift me up and my belly would keep his hands he gullable...yep...I got a walk all the way back to the car......(mama here....mjs feet were so cold...that she wouldnt move unless dad picked her up....he nearly died lifting her all the way to the car....and very nice of him to stop and pose for a photo...ahhaha)

This is the Yukon River....i think someone is trying to make soup or something...all that steam coming off of it...pretty nice picture though...anyhow ...nap time for usual..Peace out...


  1. Hi, MJ! We're still getting that Arctic air you're sending. You can stop any time. We love your sweater! You'd probably better wear the boots, even though you hate them. You'd hate it even more if your dad had a heart attack from having to carry you to the car when your feet get cold. Your Christmas tree is beautiful! We even like the bear, although we would de-stuff it.

    Stay warm, princess, and have a Merry Christmas!

    Jed & Abby

  2. That's a pretty smart move, MJ... getting your dad to keep his hands warm on your tummy!

    Don't freeze your toes! Remember to wear your boots!

    Sam and Pippen

  3. MJ! I insist you wear your boots! Sometimes one must forego style in order to have function. What would I ever do if your little feet got froze?

    Your dad is a big faker. I know you are light as a feather.

    Maybe bring a sled next time.


  4. We got booties as we have a tendency to collect little snowballs between our toes and some of us (possibly me) like to stop and lick them out, which sometimes impedes forward progress on walks. (Heehee.) Mom suckered us into to getting used to our booties by putting them on us and immediately tossing a ball around the backyard. Booties were forgotten and all was well in the universe. I still balk occasionally at the start of a walk (when there is no tennis ball apparent), but since I'm used to them I'm getting better. Good luck! (And nicely placed frozen bush there, BTW!)

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  5. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Yes, I understand you. In it something is also thought excellent, agree with you.

  6. OMdoG... that's a lot of snow and it looks brrrrrr... c.o.l.d!! Glad that your sweet dad carried you back to the car!

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and fantastic New Year!!

  7. MJ, I posted about Miss Opy immediately and am sending her my thoughts. She has not put anything on her blog. I am so worried. How did you hear about it?


  8. It's freezing outside! Careful not to caught colds so you can enjoy the rest of the holiday!

  9. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Those boots are good for city dogs, too; it's not even the snow between the toes so much as it is the salt and de-icing chemicals on the sidewalks that collect on your pads -- and then make you sick when you lick your paws. Wear the boots, 'kay?
    - - - - - -
    dog beds and more

  10. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Thanks with regard to offering this type of good data.
    i SUCK i KNOW
