Thursday, June 07, 2007

MJS Purple Pittmobile

Guess was on the computer...doing some of her own private stuff...and the next thing you know she says,"Mj watch the door...someone is coming to see you. " She would not tell me who...but I waited and waited and waited....I got so tired of waiting outside that....

I decided to wait outside...yep..There I am sitting on the grass ...waiting some more. Right away I figured out it was a girl...cuz dad always says that girls take forever to do stuff. So I waited and waited...and then it happened...In pulled the purple pittmoble....YAHOOOOO....It is korena and she is taking me on an adventure...

so here we are on our way to our will have to wait till tomorrow to see what happens. I am sure it will be fun though...I love travellin wiht Korena...she has the tunes blaring....and we are the hottest two chicks on the road.....until tomorrow ...MJ OUT


  1. OH MAN, I's so excited for you and I want to see the pics of your adventure!!!!!

    Frenchie SNorts

  2. A road trip! Sweet! We can't wait to hear all about it!

    You girls try to stay outta trouble.

    Sherman, Penny & Lola

  3. OOOOOOOOH!!!!! You got to go in the CAR for an adventure?!?! Tell us all about it!!!
