We went and got auntie Meghan....I llovvvvvvvvvvvvvve auntie meghan. She was so happy to see me and get lots and lots and lots of kisses. I was a little mad that she made me pose for the paparazzi...we know how us doggys hat the paparazzzzii....oh well..this is the best picture we got. Then along came a very handsome bull dog....very handsome indeed. His name was Sherman and I felt the need to introduce my self...the only way a lady really can introduce herself to a big studly bulldog.....
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Just another day at the park.....hotdoggggggggggy
Sunday, June 24, 2007
sleepy boring weekend
Here we are again...sleeping some more. I do love to sleep. I wanted to go to the beach..mom was so busy...dad was too busy..brother cant drive...so I am stuck at home. bored..so..if anyone did anything exciting i would sure like to know..
oh by the way....I can't wait til July 1st.....you will not believe who is miss july on the calendar. And my birthday is July 16th and mom said i get a birthday party with cake...and icecream...oh something wonderful to look forward to...I hope you all hvaae a great week. MJ OUT
2. Your age when came to live with your people? 6 weeks
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? breast cancer pink
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with?oh thats a tie between Korena and Auntie Megan.....
5. How much do you weigh? a lady doesnt tell her weight...but i am volumptuous...
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? a bottle of mommy's diabetis pills...the pills were expensive...and the vet bills were really expensiv e..but worth it...right mommy?
7. Do you like other Dogs? Yes...especially little ones
8. Who is your best non-human friend? Bear and my cousin Maggie...oh and Zippy...but she is family...so does that count...
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? Definatley squeeky dog toys....
0. Do you like to be brushed? Yes
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? Cheese...
12. Do your people cut your toenails? I go to the manicurist
13. Any formal education? Nope...hmmm..seems so controlling to me..i am a free spirit
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? Couch potato
15. Five nicknames your people call you. I would rather not say...
16. What is your best trick? convincing parents that tricks are for kids....
17. Do you like kitties? oh yes i do..I love them alot...
18. What did you have for breakfast?hmmm a little left cat food...i dont like eating early in the day..
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? If so, what?Nope..i am a lover not a fighter
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? about six months ago for my shots...
\thye have yummy cookies..
21. Where do you sleep at night? depends on my mood...mostly in the middle of mom and dad though
22. Do you like to swim? Do I ever
23. Can you make puppies? No...and i wasnt even given a choice..i could have been a great mamma
24. Do you give kisses? big wet slobbery ones...
25. Can you potty on command? I probably could but prefer not to so i can make the walk longer
26. To Cuz or not to Cuz? the CUZ is evil...very evil...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
watching my sister camp
on a big adventure. It was very very fun. We had to drive a long long time, so that kinda sucked...but after about 700 hours we finally got to Sooke Potholes. My sister. her friend Tanya, and my friend Korena, were all out there camping. They said it was a girls getaway...so that is why I had to go and check things out.
I just climbed around all over the place. I am sooooooooooooooo glad dad didnt come, he would have kept me on the leash...as per the rules...i am not sure there were rules, but dad would have said there was. Big chicken ..enough about dads. There were lots and lots of places to sniff and run. I had sooooooooooo much fun. I think the girls were having so much fun before we got there too...they were giggling and very loud.. but mom said they seemed to be having lots of fun.
Here i am with my Korena...she was really having fun...She kept saying she wishes she has brought a flat....i dont know what she was talking about..but it seemed to bother her alot.
Do you see the tent...I dont like tents. They are stupid...no beds or couches or tvs or most important of all...fridges. Why would people go where there is no fridge...If any of you dogs can figure it out please let me know..
Okay I have had enough of this whole camping experiece. Mom i am just going to lay here and wait so we can go home. How long hav e we been here anyhow. Anyhow everyone out there have a good good day. MJ OUT....
Sunday, June 17, 2007
This is a picture of Zippy and my WEeeener dog. She loves it. But I let her play cuz then she is leaving me and mom alone. Zippy is a crazy kitty. She thinks she can fly. I am sure one of these days NASA is going to call mom and ask her to buy Zippy to use her in outter space or something.
Look what made it all the way to CANADA...wow..Opy and Charlie must have taken this last summer when we all flew to aussie land and parties till we passed out. Oh my god...the good times we all had. I want to have a party here too...but my parents never leave me along over night. They ruin EVERYTHING...
OH MY GOSH...THIS IS A 11 WEEK OLD JACK RUSSEL...AND HE WAS SOOOOOO CUTE. see how little he is next to my legs...I loved him..but mom said that some old bitty told her to put him on his dang leash...whatever...he didnt even go away from his mom....he was just so cute...but...not as cute as weeeeener dogs...mommy still wants a weeeener dog...but she says she will still love me the bestest...and I believe her..well it has been a long day so I need to go to bed . Daschies....I am so glad you are back...i really really missed you...goodnight everyone...MJ OUT
Monday, June 11, 2007
My Little Pink Daschie
Can you see her...she is a long pink weeeener dog. I havent name her yet. But I love her. I was kissing her all over. Zippy kept begging if she could play with it. I said it was mine, and when I say so, then she can play. So she waited a little while....
And I decided to give her one end and I could have the other. Good thing weeeeeeener dogs are so long hey!!!!!..Mom also got me some yummy new peppermint charcoal cookies...so yummy. I want more, but mom says no more today....geeeesh....oh well. I guess I will go and play with my weeeeeeener dog again. See ya all tomorrow.....MJ OUT
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Buccanneer days
My mom made Jordan wake up and go to the parade for her. In Esquimalt, where we live, ever year we celebrate Pirates and have bucanneer days. I didnt get to go to the parade, which was just fine with me cuz it rained the whollllllllllllllllllllllle parade. My mom forgot to mention that I could be IN the parade though. Look at these two fellas. They got to walk in the parade. Mom said the difference between them and me is....they actually listen to what their mamma told them.....(hmmm..I wonder what she is trying to say?)....Anyhow Daschies...you are NOT going to believe this next photo...there was a giant COWDOG in the parade. I couldnt believe my eyes when mom showed me...
MOM said it sang. That is scarey...whew....so has anyone else found any hide and seek pictures yet...? I gotta get ready for bed...before Zippy hogs the covers...goodnight all yall ....MJ OUT
Friday, June 08, 2007
Ha Ha Ha ....she is such a lousy little hider. I will help her become a great hide and seek player when she gets a little older. But look how cute she is.
Can you see me? Now I am a GOOD hide and seeker. In fact mom couldnt even find me to take the picture. OH MOM...I am right here.....anyhow, some of you wanted to know what went on with my adventure with Korena. Well, here is the thing, it is pretty private. What goes on with Korena, stays with Korena. We are just a couple of gals ....driving around in the purplepitmobile...listening to the tunes, and bearing our hearts. The only thing I will tell you, which Korena thought was hilarious, was that I decided to poop right in the ocean. I know Korena doesnt like to have to pick it up...so I just wanted to help out. Anyhow, time to go convince mommy to get me some grub. Rubadubdub....get MJ some grub....MJ OUT
Thursday, June 07, 2007
MJS Purple Pittmobile
I decided to wait outside...yep..There I am sitting on the grass ...waiting some more. Right away I figured out it was a girl...cuz dad always says that girls take forever to do stuff. So I waited and waited...and then it happened...In pulled the purple pittmoble....YAHOOOOO....It is korena and she is taking me on an adventure...
so here we are on our way to our adventure....you will have to wait till tomorrow to see what happens. I am sure it will be fun though...I love travellin wiht Korena...she has the tunes blaring....and we are the hottest two chicks on the road.....until tomorrow ...MJ OUT
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Just Not much goin on
I am hiding on mom here....she couldnt find me forever . Wow...I am such a good hider that I may start a new game of doggy hide and seek on the internet. In fact how about we all see if we cna post pictures of us hiding on our people.
Look...it is Zippy and I sleeping on the futon. So cute. We sleep together alot. Zippy is a good girl at bed time. She tries not to be annoying and Zipping around the house...sometimes she forgets. Mom and Dad had to take there Bed off the frame cuz Zippy likes to play underneath it in the middle of the night. Anyhow since I havent dont much I guess this is it for today. I hope you are all having a little more fun. MJ out....