Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Happy Wednesday

Check this dude out...this is my new barkpark friend Atlas. Isnt he the coolest dog ever. He is only 7 months old...and under that hair he only weighs like 40 pounds. I had so much fun with him today. He is a labradoodle...My mommy said she has never seen a brown one before..but she would like one of her own...and i would like one of my own. It would be so fun. I wonder if I cold get one for my birthday...only two months..i cant wait. I am also excited because I am the dog on the calendar for fun.

This is me and my best girl Korena having a nap. She always has a nap at our house when there is a party. I am more than happy to help her nap. So cuddly. She snore sometimes though and that makes me wanna push her outta my bed, but I didnt. I saw my auntie meghan this week also, she is also my best girl.

Zippy asked me to put her p icture on the blog. She knows she isnt a dog now...and i am pretty sure she isnt a dog now, but I figure she is cute enought to put on my blog once in a while. She is resting on my scooby doo blanket here. I let her use it cause when she is on it she is very happy. She doesnt meow at all on my blanket. Well time to go now and read some blogs.
See you all in a bit. Especially you Texas. Have a good day tomorrow everyone...MJ OUT


  1. WHAT? Are you sure Zippy isn't a dog? Gee.. I always thought she is some exotic breed... anyway, her wide-eyed look is so adorable! Dog or no dog, I think I am falling in love with her..

  2. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Are you sure Zippy isn't a dog?

  3. Hi, MJ
    Atlas is very handsome and very furry too. Did you ask your mom about having one like him for your birthday?
    Zippy is so cute! And you are so kind with her!
    Have a nice day

  4. Cute creatures! I love that kitty, even though I really, really want to pick it up by the head. But that's only because it's so so cute.

  5. Oh, and by the way, I voted for your picture!

  6. ohh we love pics of zippy. that labradoodle looks like a stinkin hippy to me.

  7. Aw, I love my kitties too!!! And that Labradoodle, what a fur coat he has!!!


  8. What?! Zippy's not a dog?! What is she?! My world is crumbling - this changes everything!

    Atlas is funny looking. Good funny looking, like he'd be a really funny, fun guy. Not mean funny-looking. I love his little white gotee. :-)

  9. Atlas is pretty cool looking. probably comfy to lie down on.

    by the way...tag, you're it. more details on the post i just put up on my blog...

    bark at you later,


  10. Atlas is one cool dog! Looks a bit like me. :)

    Nice kitty, by the way


  11. KITTY! I LOVE kitties!
