Saturday, December 02, 2006

mjs lazy day

I was going to post pictures so you could see what a super productive day I had...but this new blogger has no place for mom to put them...geez...what a instead I will tell you what i did today. First I made sure I slept in....this is v ery important on saturday. (mom and dad get up and do a mighty good job of making noise to disturb me, but they had to go shopping so I crawled into bed with my brother) we slept until noonish...he forces me outta bed...not my choice. So when we got up I rested on my bed in the family room....and waited there until mom and dad got home with snacks and treats. Mom made us some yummies for lunch, then she was making her bed so I had a little snooze on her bed...while she was making it. I find it makes it more of a chore for her...she uses some kind of language i dont quite understand...but for some reason i am thinking she was praising me for being so helpful...then we moved intot he living room. Mom was sweeping the floor, and praising me again....she loves the hard wood floors...especially because she can enjoy seeing all my hair when it is swept up....she went on and on and on about it...I do what I can folks...i do what i can....after that i lied on the couch and napped a little. What a day. I best get to bed soon. I hope you are are having a good weekend. MJ OUT>>>>>>


  1. I love your new blog look MJ!!! My days are filled with x-mas card making, it's boring and crazy.

    Love nibbles,
    Miss Sunshade

  2. MJ such a pretty new blog outfit for such a pretty girl!

    Your mom is speaking (f)rench. Mine does all the time, too. They are so smart!

    Bussie Kissies

  3. Hi there MJ! Just dropped by for a sniff around your Blog, pretty cool too! Hope your Mum can fit the pictures on soon. Love and licks, Marvin ;0)

  4. Sounds like you had a very productive day MJ. Sleeping is my favorite past time. No wonder I like you so much!


  5. Hiya MJ,

    I think David Byrne's line 'Ohhh, I'm wicked and I'm lazy' suits you to a t. Or to a....ummmm...mj.

    Chow for now,

    Tin Tin xo

  6. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Hey MJ,
    I haven't been around in a while because I don't have iternet at home so I was really surprised by the new pink look. Hope all is well in your world and you are enjoying this rare snow in your parts of the world.
    I think Toronto and Vancouver traded weather for the winter because it has been raining here for DAYS!! I feel wet and cold just thinking about it.

  7. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Hey MJ,
    I haven't been around in a while because I don't have iternet at home so I was really surprised by the new pink look. Hope all is well in your world and you are enjoying this rare snow in your parts of the world.
    I think Toronto and Vancouver traded weather for the winter because it has been raining here for DAYS!! I feel wet and cold just thinking about it.

  8. your blog looks nice, I hope your mom can figure out the picture thing!

  9. MJ! I missed you!! Mum is finally letting me blog again and I'm so happy to see your photos :))

    By the way, I GOT YOUR CARD TODAY! You should have seen my rump shake-a-lakin'.. then I sniffed it, BIG DEEP SNIFFS. I really loved the bulldog sticker you put on the front of the envelope, too (but I am more handsomer, right?). Thank you so much, it made my day.. it was the HIGHLIGHT of my day because all I've been doing lately is sitting beside Mum watching her write essays.

    I hope you get your photos up on blogger soon.. I like the new colours :)


  10. Hey MJ,

    Freda here. Hi! So you're usin' the beta Blogger? I went to 'One Crazy Family' to view the photos. Cooools! Do you likes the beta?

    Nappin' is my favorite sport, after chasin' voles and floors hairin'. Arf! Arf!.

    My mom loves her wooden floors too. Aren't all those hairs cooools? I try very hards to get an even coverage. It's even betters when my friend, Tule, visits. What fun!

    My dad thinks he's (F)rench. Sometimes, in the garage/studio (So he calls it. HA!), he practices his (F)rench a long times.

    Snow in Victoria? Must be a 'Secrets'. That's a lot of snow! My humans were there a long, long time ago and reeeallys liked it. They thought of movin' there. I'm glad they didn't, cuz then they would never have seen me and adopted me.

    Glad you got my card. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

